Anchor Behavior Therapy, LLC

Strength. Resilience. Hope.

Providing home-based therapy services to individuals and families in the Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati areas

Our Grounding Anchors

We act with integrity to uphold the moral and ethical responsibilities of our passion serving individuals and families in need. 

We offer person-centered care by focusing our services on the particular needs and goals of each individual and their families. 

We hold compassion for those we serve with an understanding of the challenges and complexities of developmental and behavioral disorders. 

We value collaboration at all points of service, utilizing a whole-team approach to further personalize care across multiple settings and environments. 

We uphold our commitment to our mission, to the quality of our services, and to individuals' abilities to live life to their fullest potential. 

Hours of Operation: 8am–5pm, Monday through Friday

Phone: (614) 530-6939


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